How to brush your teeth while using braces
1. Choose the type of toothbrush designed especially for orthodontists.
2. Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. To help prevent tooth decay
3. Place the brush on the braces. Make the bristles tilt towards the braces, move gently while rotating in a circular motion. Brush slowly over the top and the bottom of the braces. While brushing, note that some bristles gently brush between teeth and gums, in order to remove food scraps that may be trapped along gum line.
4. Brush slowly in each position until all the teeth are thoroughly cleaned.
5. When brushing the upper teeth front and back, move downwards to brush the lower teeth front and back.
6. When brushing the entire exterior of the upper teeth and the lower teeth are finished, brush the inside of the mouth by placing the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge of the gum. Brushing gently and then sweeping motion away from the edge of the gum. Do this several times to clean the surface of the teeth. Brush the interior gum line the same way as the exterior gum line.
7. After finishing brushing teeth from the inside and outside, slowly brush the chewing side of the teeth by brushing slowly back and forth, brushing from upper molars, then the lower molars.
8. It is also important to clean the tongue to eliminate bacteria that causes bad breath.
9. It is recommended to use dental cleaning equipment and other orthodontic tools, including dental toothbrush, inter-dental brush, and floss especially designed for orthodontics, like Superfloss and Interproxa.
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การใช้ superfloss
10. Use mouthwash containing fluoride to help prevent tooth decay.
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